Herbst Theater

In asso­ci­a­tion with 2012 San Fran­cis­co Inter­na­tion­al Art Fes­ti­val, I was hon­ored to be part of these two ensem­ble groups “Earplay” and “MOC” to present the world pre­miere work “Along the Riv­er Dur­ing the Qing­Ming Fes­ti­val” at Herb­st The­ater in San Fran­cis­co. Com­pos­er Joan Huang received co-com­mi­sion from these two ensem­ble groups. The work depicts the images of mag­nif­i­cent paint­ing through west­ern instru­ments (vio­lin, vio­la, cel­lo, clar­inet, flute) and chi­nese instru­ments (yangqin, pipa, guzheng, sheng, bam­boo flute).
